
Skill Haven in partnership with CLET & Mak. School of Law hold a 3-day blockchain masterclass

Kwame Rugunda encouraged the law students at Makerere School of Law to deepen their knowledge and be courageous in the pursuit of expertise in blockchain and the law.

By Staff

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On December 9, 2022, Skill Haven, in partnership with the Center for Legal Excellence and Technology (CLET), hosted a 3-day blockchain masterclass for law students at Makerere University. The masterclass was designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of blockchain technology and its potential applications in the legal field.

The speakers included the guest speaker, Mr. Kwame Rugunda, the Chairman of the Blockchain Association of Uganda and Noah Baalessanyu the Head of Crypto at Crypto Savannah. The host and convener was Mr. Robert Kirunda, a lawyer, lecturer, and blockchain advocate.

During the masterclass, experts from Skill Haven and CLET discussed the basics of blockchain technology, including its decentralized nature and its use of cryptography to secure transactions. The experts also provided insight into how blockchain technology is being used in various industries, such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.

Overall, the blockchain masterclass was well-received by the law students at Makerere University. Many students commented on the relevance of the topic and the practicality of the exercises. Some even expressed interest in pursuing further studies in the field of blockchain and its applications in the legal industry.

In conclusion, the blockchain masterclass by Skill Haven and CLET was a valuable learning opportunity for the law student. It provided a thorough introduction to blockchain technology and its potential applications in the legal field, and equipped students with the knowledge and skills necessary to explore this exciting and rapidly-evolving field.

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